Make Progress
Residential & Community Programs at The Bowery Mission are designed to help men and women Make Progress. Clients access comprehensive services for physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual healing — all in the context of a safe, supportive community.
How Do Clients Make Progress?
Depending on their needs, clients can choose from our structured residential programs (short-term or long-term) or our non-residential community programs — whichever best fits their needs and empowers them to move from crisis to stability.
On the journey to recovery, each client who is ready to Make Progress works with a social worker to create an individual action plan with specific, measurable goals. An individual action plan for our clients could include some or all of the following tools:
- Vocational Training
- Housing Connections
- Life Skills Classes
- Addiction Recovery
- Counseling
- Spiritual Formation
- Case Management
- Legal and Medical Help
Men's Residential Program
Women's Residential Program
Vocational Services
Graduation 2024

At our annual celebration, The Bowery Mission came together to congratulate and honor graduates, clients and alumni of our Residential & Community Programs. Learn more about the significant progress they have made in their journeys towards independence.
The Bowery Mission’s principles of care help achieve life transformation
Our Impact Last Year:

total adults served in Residential Programs

adults received
vocational support

adults committed to our Residential Programs after staying overnight in our emergency shelter

adults grew in faith and the knowledge of God through spiritual formation classes and Bible studies